Jessie HandburyAssociate Professor |
ResearchPublished and Accepted Papers"Goods Prices and Availability in Cities" with David E. Weinstein. Review of Economic Studies, 2015, 82(1): 258-296.
"Food Deserts and the Causes of Nutritional Inequality," with Hunt Allcott, Rebecca Diamond, Jean-Pierre Dube, Ilya Rahkovsky and Molly Schnell, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2019.
"Urban Revival in America" with Victor Couture, Journal of Urban Economics, 2020.
"Measuring Movement and Social Contact with Smartphone Data: A Real-Time Application to COVID-19" with Victor Couture, Jonathan Dingel, Allison Green, and Kevin Williams, Journal of Urban Economics: Insights, 2021.
"Are Poor Cities Cheap for Everyone? Non-Homotheticity and the Cost of Living Across U.S. Cities," Econometrica, 2021.
"Income Growth and the Distributional Effects of Urban Spatial Sorting" with Victor Couture, Cecile Gaubert, and Erik Hurst, Review of Economic Studies, 2023.
"Spatial Sorting within Cities" with Victor Couture, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2023. "Covid and Cities, thus far" with Gilles Duranton, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review, 2023. Working Papers"School Food Policy Affects Everyone: Retail Responses to the National School Lunch Program" with Sarah Moshary, 2021. "How Much Do Official Price Indexes Tell Us About Inflation?" with David E. Weinstein and Tsutomu Watanabe, 2017. Under revision.
Selected Work in Progress"Demographic Preferences and Income Segregation" with Victor Couture, Jonathan Dingel, and Allison Green. "The Disparate Effects of the Retail Apocalypse" with Yue Cao, Judy Chevalier, Kevin Williams, and Hayden Parsley. "Welfare Implications of Increased Retailer Participation in SNAP" with Anne Byrne, Xiao Dong, Erik James, and Katherine Meckel. |